
At LifeBeam, we welcome all students to become members of our club. As a member, you receive full privileges and exclusive benefits. However, we want all members to know their importance and roles in the club. Here, we provide more information for members and non-members.

New Membership at LifeBeam

You can register for membership by visiting the LifeBeam Club booth on Club Day or at any of our events. If you are not able to attend our event, you may also register online using our Registration Form

In general, we welcome all students to register to become members. However, our club meetings primarily take place only at high schools that feature the LifeBeam club. Therefore, membership is only available at participating schools.

If your school allows student-hosted clubs, please contact us. You may be able to bring LifeBeam Technology Club to your own school!

Here at LifeBeam, we have very basic expectations for our members. We want to provide students with as much privileges as we can while maintaining a controlled educational experience. We appreciate students who show a certain level of effort and contribution for our club.

We look for students who...

  • Attend events on-time
  • Remember to come to Club Meetings
  • Stay Focused
  • Have interest in computers and technology
  • Can manage their own priorities

We are very understanding towards our club members. We can pardon a member for their occasional absence as long as they submit a notification to us 12 hours in advance, and are not purposefully missing the Club Meeting. However, members or club officers who repeatedly miss Club Meetings for more than two months will be permanently removed from the club.

We do our best to accomodate our members by finding convenient times for club meetings. We express our gratitude for members who are serious about their attendance.

Existing Membership

If you've just registered recently, we will be processing your membership into our computer systems in 24 hours. Meanwhile, here is what we highly recommend for you:

  • Look on our Homepage and attend our next Club Meeting
  • Talk to one of our Club Officers about your recent membership
  • Check your email for a "Welcome to LifeBeam" letter
  • Join our Club on Facebook for updates

If you have difficulties doing any of these things, please contact us about your concern.

If you are currently a Club member or officer this year, we highly recommend that you take a look at our latest "member handbook". This is the best way for members to gain more knowledge of our Club Functions, Policies, Events, Rules, etc. You can view our recent Club Hanbook by: Viewing it Here